Monday, October 27, 2008

Mad Hatters Tea Party

It was a cold crisp morning and the thought of wandering about Glasgow looking for "individual cafes" which lets be honest are few and far between in this city' seemed to bore me. Anyways we set off. First stop the subway. Destination- Unknown !!.

We finally came to the agreement that we should head to the westend. I place which i regarded as a totally different world to what i was used to, with its wannabe emo students carrying their over-sized mui mui bags and sporting their rather trampy looking venue jumpers. Funny how i stereotyped these poor students when intact i am one. We walked through aston lane looking at the pretty clubs and fancy cocktail bars which at night were lit up with stunning little fairy lights. Oh how the grey sky made it less appealing.

Soon we found ourselves on byres road and decided we wanted food. Morton's seemed to catch our eye. This tiny little cafe tucked in the corner is looked really cute until you stepped inside and the noise seemed to be louder than what was outside. Students' Businessmen and old people crammed round all the little pea sized tables. I couldn't wait to get out of this place already. But I bite the bullet and ordered a white carmel shortcake which to my amazement was awesome!!.

Next stop was Tchai O Una. A weird little cafe which other people in my group promised was the 8th wonder of the world. Instead i was lead into a little room which smelled of herbal teas and weed. But i couldn't help but feel happy as the the waitress greeted you with a warming smile and the roaring fire's heat met you as you planked your bum on the comfy sofa. It wasnt that bad. It kinda felt like something from a mad hatters tea party and I really liked it.

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